Team & contacts

In 2018, our team is as follows:

+372 55 77 129
Merili Ginter
Marketing mentor, Communication Manager of Changemakers Academy
+372 5904 7365
Erkki Kubber
Erkki Kubber
Leader of Changemakers Academy; Marketing of social enterprises; Member of the Management Board
Jaan Aps
Jaan Aps
CEO, Member of the Management Board
+372 525 7794
Katrin Jõgisaar
Newsletter; Online communication
Aune Lillemets
Business model design and implementation
+372 524 8325
Külli Kivioja-Ööpik
Our contact person in City of Pärnu, volunteer

Past employees, interns and volunteers who have contributed a lot to developing social enterprise sector and our organisation:

Andrei Liimets (employee)
Anneli Valdmann (volunteer)
Gina Mankin (intern)
Heleri Tamme (intern)
Iiris Viirpalu (employee)
Liisa Erdel (intern)
Ljubov Denisarova (intern)
Kersti Küla (intern)
Kaspar Kruup (intern)
Külli Kivioja-Ööpik (employee)
Margit Sondberg (volunteer)
Merlin Sepp (employee)
Olivia Verev (employee)
Paul Pihlak (intern)
Toomas Roolaid (volunteer)
Triin Rannamaa (intern)
Tuuli Pärenson (volunteer)
Zavod BBDO (pro bono supporter)